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Featured Product

Turning Point EP - CD and Vinyl Bundle!£10.00


free downloads!


We've decided to let you have two studio tracks completely free! Spread the word, send the tracks to friends, put them on your websites and blogs, and enjoy!

high quality downloads, to try before you buy
The Jakpot
The Jakpot - Pampered Pet
The Jakpot - Pampered Pet
The Jakpot - 4 Gold Stars
The Jakpot - 4 Gold Stars

the jakpot on XFM show


Now then everyone. Thanks to everyone who came to Leeds on Friday we had a good time and i'm sure you did too. Some good things coming up soon. On Friday 29th June We are playing an XFM exposure show at the night and day Manchester with DOGS. For tickets click here or seetickets here you can also call ticketline on 0161 8321111

Keeping with the XFM theme we will be doing some live tracks and an interview with Clint Boon on Wednesday 4th July. the show starts at 7pm on 97.7 fm (Manchester) or online at 


Back in England


We're back in England now after our Germany tour (Austria too). We have really enjoyed it and we couldn't have asked for a better reception. The German people really know how to throw a party. as you can see from the photograph.We want to say thank you to everyone who came to our gigs. Anyway there are some photographs from the tour and a blog about it on our myspace so have a look here . Or if you don't have myspace there are some photographs here and also here. You can also read Matt and Neils Blog about the Tour on The jakpot Forum We're playing at the Grapes tomorrow Sat 12th May. See you there. Matt, Bruce, Neil and Joe

 The jakpot in Germany. Photo by we come


We are now touring Germany for 2 weeks taking in all major cities and hopefully seeing a lot of you down the front singing along.  Please come and say hi, we don't bite.... be great to see you all there

We'll keep you up to date each day through myspace page as well

The Jakpot x

Brand new t-shirts!


We have just added brand new logo t-shirts to the shop

These are limited edition, and available to pre-order now

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