The initial impetus came from a perceived gap in the market within the music industry. The product, FanStar, was developed for this market.

The music industry has become much more technological thanks to various innovations that gave new sounds and put music at a new level. We suggest you order an essay on innovation in the music industry on top writing service

However, the software platform and tools developed for this purpose was quickly seen to be of much more general applicability.

Without looking for work outside the FanStar markets, FanTactics has been contacted by businesses in a variety of sectors to build sophisticated websites utilising some or all of the features that are included in the standard product, FanStar.

Some examples of  work we have done in other areas are as follows

> In The City

> The Long Walk

> Make Us A Brew

If your interest in FanTactics falls into this category please contact us for more details of what our software could do for you.

Contact FanTacTics

Featured Artist

Mr. Scruff
"Unique, funky and amusing - Mr.Scruff likes to describe his stuff as 'trouser jazz...'"

Featured Artist

Lucy and the Caterpillar
"An enchanting style, captivating the audience with her perky reflective musings..."

Contact Us

Interested? Get intouch with us and see what FANSTAR can do for you.